Build your ideas, engage with experts, and journey to the finals.
Win $500,000 in cash and prizes.
携手外国专家推进伋业发展-国际在线:2021-2-3 · 彼得·贝内特博士 “超快激光的运用和印刷制版的改良都是行业创举,也是我伊伋业引进外国专家的最大成果。”近日,第十六届中国国际人才交流大会上,由武汉市外国专家局推荐的武汉金顿激光科技有限公司(下称“金顿激光”)英国专家彼得·贝内特入选“改革开放40周年最具影响力的外国专家 ...
Meet the winners of the 2023 GW NVC.
2018 4th Place Team - Sassy Paints
The New Venture Competition provides GW students, faculty, and alumni with real-world experiences in entrepreneurship that can’t be replicated anywhere else!
GW students have the opportunity to compete in three tracks, Tech, Social, and New Venture, and bring an idea to the table, work with mentors to craft and pitch a stellar idea, and vie for cash and non-cash prizes equaling $500,000.
Whether you’re an experienced entrepreneur or just dreaming about a new idea, our competition has a route for everyone. Learn how NVC works, plan for success, get feedback, and compete to win.
Your vision for your business could become a reality with these incredible prizes. The opportunity to win $20k in prizes, get recognition from GW, validation from entrepreneurial experts and the network you're going to build along the way will help make your idea a reality.
华龙网--两江评论--最新评论:2021-6-11 · · 高铁加速 建设助力经济发展 2021-06-10 16:49:36 · “高铁极速达”服务助力湖北经济重启 ... 经营许可证编号:渝B2-20210050 信息网络传播视听节目许可证号:2202166 互联网新闻信息服务许可证编号:50120210001 渝公网安备 50019002501343 ...
It can be intimidating to jump right in and build a business plan when you’ve never done it before!
Thankfully, we have a passionate and dedicated team of staff and coaches that are ready to answer your questions and help you decide if this year’s opportunity is the right fit for you.
We Have Resources to Help You
In case you missed the 2023 Finals, we have a highlights video for you.
Meet the 2023 Winners
Meet the NVC Team
Meet the 2023 Winners
Student Support and Resources
Phone: 202-994-2780
Email: [email protected]